The realization of the right to know is need for building republication systems of the basic rights and making a law of publication of government affairs. 知情权的充分实现需要政府信息公开的配合,许多发达国家都制定了信息公开的法律制度。
The Consideration on the Legislation of International Law Merchant The Thoughts on the Legislation of the Rule of Publication Deposit in China 关于国际惯例的立法思考我国呈缴本制度的立法思考
The trust law of China should stick to the principle of trust independence. The system of publication summons shall be perfected and the interests of the parties in the trust shall be balanced. 我国信托法应坚持信托财产独立性原则,并完善公示制度,妥善平衡信托关系各方当事人的利益。
Both the events displayed as to distort the meaning of the priority, and drifted the international generally acknowledged law of priority based on publication. 这两个事件均表现对优先权法则国际共识内涵的偏离,偏离了以出版为基础的出版优先律。
The countries of civil law introduce the idea of contract into the trust law and found the system of trust publication, in view of protecting the third person's profit. 大陆法系国家将契约理念引入信托法中,从保护第三人利益出发设立信托公示制度。
This paper points out that the law of scientific periodical publication should be paid attention to on the basis of making guidelines and policies about supporting domestic advanced periodicals and about completing periodicals management. 提出在制定支持国内优秀期刊,完善期刊管理职能的方针政策的基础上,还应重视科技出版政策的法律化。
In the countries of common law, when the third person has dissension with the trust property, the equity court can give relief, so these countries don't found the system of trust publication. 在英美法系国家,第三人与信托财产产生纠纷时可由衡平法院进行救济,因此不设立信托公示制度。
The movables transaction Law is one of important laws in Taiwan. It has played an important role in promoting fund circulation and transaction protection, while the publication system has just held the balance. 台湾动产交易法是台湾地区重要法律之一,对促进资金融通与维护交易安全发挥了的重要作用,而公示制度对此作用的发挥举足轻重。
The Chinese laws, especially the recently promulgated Real Right Law, which made explicit provision of the publication principle for the first time, had no provision of the credit principle, this is a big blemish of the lawmaking. 我国的法律,尤其是新近颁布的物权法,第一次对物权的公示原则作了明确规定,但未规定公信原则,这是我国物权立法上的一大缺陷。
In recent years, voluminous newspapers and books on the introduction of tax law and planning of tax are published in domestic. However, considerable amount of these publication were not good enough in the close combination between theory and actual tax administration of enterprises. 近年来,国内关于税法介绍和税收策划相关的报刊书籍汗牛充栋,可有相当一部分在与企业实际税务管理紧密结合方面做得并不够好。
In the legislative work, not only completed the rectification of criminal law and publishing law in time, and introduced a large number of the interpretation of the case of press and publication and single law. 在立法工作上不仅及时完成对刑法和出版法的修正工作,而且出台大量有关新闻出版的解释案和单行法。